
Surah Al Ahqaf

Translation by:
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

  1. حٰمۤ ۚ

    Ḥā mīm.


  2. تَنْزِيْلُ الْكِتٰبِ مِنَ اللّٰهِ الْعَزِيْزِ الْحَكِيْمِ

    Tanzīlul-kitābi minallāhil ‘azīzil-ḥakīm(i).

    The revelation of this Book is from Allah—the Almighty, All-Wise.

  3. مَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَآ اِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَاَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّىۗ وَالَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا عَمَّآ اُنْذِرُوْا مُعْرِضُوْنَ

    Mā khalaqnas-samāwāti wal-arḍa wa mā bainahumā illā bil-ḥaqqi wa ajalim musammā(n), wal-lażīna kafarū ‘ammā unżirū mu‘riḍūn(a).

    We only created the heavens and the earth and everything in between for a purpose and an appointed term. Yet the disbelievers are turning away from what they have been warned about.

  4. قُلْ اَرَءَيْتُمْ مَّا تَدْعُوْنَ مِنْ دُوْنِ اللّٰهِ اَرُوْنِيْ مَاذَا خَلَقُوْا مِنَ الْاَرْضِ اَمْ لَهُمْ شِرْكٌ فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ ۖائْتُوْنِيْ بِكِتٰبٍ مِّنْ قَبْلِ هٰذَآ اَوْ اَثٰرَةٍ مِّنْ عِلْمٍ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ صٰدِقِيْنَ

    Qul ara'aitum mā tad‘ūna min dūnillāhi arūnī māżā khalaqū minal-arḍi am lahum syirkun fis-samāwāt(i), i'tūnī bikitābim min qabli hāżā au aṡāratim min ‘ilmin in kuntum ṣādiqīn(a).

    Ask ˹them, O Prophet˺, “Have you considered whatever ˹idols˺ you invoke besides Allah? Show me what they have created on earth! Or do they have a share in ˹the creation of˺ the heavens? Bring me a scripture ˹revealed˺ before this ˹Quran˺ or a shred of knowledge, if what you say is true.”

  5. وَمَنْ اَضَلُّ مِمَّنْ يَّدْعُوْا مِنْ دُوْنِ اللّٰهِ مَنْ لَّا يَسْتَجِيْبُ لَهٗٓ اِلٰى يَوْمِ الْقِيٰمَةِ وَهُمْ عَنْ دُعَاۤىِٕهِمْ غٰفِلُوْنَ

    Wa man aḍallu mimmay yad‘ū min dūnillāhi mal lā yastajību lahū ilā yaumil-qiyāmati wa hum ‘an du‘ā'ihim gāfilūn(a).

    And who could be more astray than those who call upon others besides Allah—˹others˺ that cannot respond to them until the Day of Judgment, and are ˹even˺ unaware of their calls?

  6. وَاِذَا حُشِرَ النَّاسُ كَانُوْا لَهُمْ اَعْدَاۤءً وَّكَانُوْا بِعِبَادَتِهِمْ كٰفِرِيْنَ

    Wa iżā ḥusyiran-nāsu kānū lahum a‘dā'aw wa kānū bi‘ibādatihim kāfirīn(a).

    And when ˹such˺ people will be gathered together, those ˹gods˺ will be their enemies and will disown their worship.

  7. وَاِذَا تُتْلٰى عَلَيْهِمْ اٰيٰتُنَا بَيِّنٰتٍ قَالَ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا لِلْحَقِّ لَمَّا جَاۤءَهُمْۙ هٰذَا سِحْرٌ مُّبِيْنٌۗ

    Wa iżā tutlā ‘alaihim āyātunā bayyinātin qālal-lażīna kafarū lil-ḥaqqi lammā jā'ahum, hāżā siḥrum mubīn(un).

    Whenever Our clear revelations are recited to them, the disbelievers say of the truth when it has come to them, “This is pure magic.”

  8. اَمْ يَقُوْلُوْنَ افْتَرٰىهُ ۗ قُلْ اِنِ افْتَرَيْتُهٗ فَلَا تَمْلِكُوْنَ لِيْ مِنَ اللّٰهِ شَيْـًٔا ۗهُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِمَا تُفِيْضُوْنَ فِيْهِۗ كَفٰى بِهٖ شَهِيْدًا ۢ بَيْنِيْ وَبَيْنَكُمْ ۗ وَهُوَ الْغَفُوْرُ الرَّحِيْمُ

    Am yaqūlūnaftarāh(u), qul iniftaraituh(ū), falā tamlikūna lī minallāhi syai'ā(n), huwa a‘lamu bimā tufīḍūna fīh(i), kafā bihī syahīdam bainī wa bainakum, wa huwal-gafūrur-raḥīm(u).

    Or do they say, “He has fabricated this ˹Quran˺!”? Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If I have done so, then there is nothing whatsoever you can do to save me from Allah. He knows best what ˹slurs˺ you indulge about it. Sufficient is He as a Witness between you and me. And He is the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

  9. قُلْ مَا كُنْتُ بِدْعًا مِّنَ الرُّسُلِ وَمَآ اَدْرِيْ مَا يُفْعَلُ بِيْ وَلَا بِكُمْۗ اِنْ اَتَّبِعُ اِلَّا مَا يُوْحٰٓى اِلَيَّ وَمَآ اَنَا۠ اِلَّا نَذِيْرٌ مُّبِيْنٌ

    Qul mā kuntu bid‘am minar-rusuli wa mā adrī mā yuf‘alu bī wa lā bikum, in attabi‘u illā mā yūḥā ilayya wa mā ana illā nażīrum mubīn(un).

    Say, “I am not the first messenger ever sent, nor do I know what will happen to me or you. I only follow what is revealed to me. And I am only sent with a clear warning.”

  10. قُلْ اَرَءَيْتُمْ اِنْ كَانَ مِنْ عِنْدِ اللّٰهِ وَكَفَرْتُمْ بِهٖ وَشَهِدَ شَاهِدٌ مِّنْۢ بَنِيْٓ اِسْرَاۤءِيْلَ عَلٰى مِثْلِهٖ فَاٰمَنَ وَاسْتَكْبَرْتُمْۗ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يَهْدِى الْقَوْمَ الظّٰلِمِيْنَ ࣖ

    Qul ara'aitum in kāna min ‘indillāhi wa kafartum bihī wa syahida syāhidum mim banī isrā'īla ‘alā miṡlihī fa āmana wastakbartum, innallāha lā yahdil-qaumaẓ-ẓālimīn(a).

    Ask ˹them, O Prophet˺, “Consider if this ˹Quran˺ is ˹truly˺ from Allah and you deny it, and a witness from the Children of Israel attests to it and then believes, whereas you act arrogantly. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.”

  11. وَقَالَ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا لِلَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَوْ كَانَ خَيْرًا مَّا سَبَقُوْنَآ اِلَيْهِۗ وَاِذْ لَمْ يَهْتَدُوْا بِهٖ فَسَيَقُوْلُوْنَ هٰذَآ اِفْكٌ قَدِيْمٌ

    Wa qālal-lażīna kafarū lil-lażīna āmanū lau kāna khairam mā sabaqūnā ilaih(i), wa iż lam yahtadū bihī fasayaqūlūna hāżā ifkun qadīm(un).

    The disbelievers say of the believers, “Had it been ˹something˺ good, they would not have beaten us to it.” Now since they reject its guidance, they will say, “˹This is˺ an ancient fabrication!”

  12. وَمِنْ قَبْلِهٖ كِتٰبُ مُوْسٰٓى اِمَامًا وَّرَحْمَةً ۗوَهٰذَا كِتٰبٌ مُّصَدِّقٌ لِّسَانًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّيُنْذِرَ الَّذِيْنَ ظَلَمُوْا ۖوَبُشْرٰى لِلْمُحْسِنِيْنَ

    Wa min qablihī kitābu mūsā imāmaw wa raḥmah(tan), wa hāżā kitābum muṣaddiqul lisānan ‘arabiyyal liyunżiral-lażīna ẓalamū, wa busyrā lil-muḥsinīn(a).

    And before this ˹Quran˺ the Book of Moses was ˹revealed as˺ a guide and mercy. And this Book is a confirmation, in the Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong, and as good news to those who do good.

  13. اِنَّ الَّذِيْنَ قَالُوْا رَبُّنَا اللّٰهُ ثُمَّ اسْتَقَامُوْا فَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُوْنَۚ

    Innal-lażīna qālū rabbunallāhu ṡummastaqāmū falā khaufun ‘alaihim wa lā hum yaḥzanūn(a).

    Surely those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remain steadfast—there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

  14. اُولٰۤىِٕكَ اَصْحٰبُ الْجَنَّةِ خٰلِدِيْنَ فِيْهَاۚ جَزَاۤءً ۢبِمَا كَانُوْا يَعْمَلُوْنَ

    Ulā'ika aṣḥābul-jannati khālidīna fīhā, jazā'am bimā kānū ya‘malūn(a).

    It is they who will be the residents of Paradise, staying there forever, as a reward for what they used to do.

  15. وَوَصَّيْنَا الْاِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ اِحْسَانًا ۗحَمَلَتْهُ اُمُّهٗ كُرْهًا وَّوَضَعَتْهُ كُرْهًا ۗوَحَمْلُهٗ وَفِصٰلُهٗ ثَلٰثُوْنَ شَهْرًا ۗحَتّٰىٓ اِذَا بَلَغَ اَشُدَّهٗ وَبَلَغَ اَرْبَعِيْنَ سَنَةًۙ قَالَ رَبِّ اَوْزِعْنِيْٓ اَنْ اَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِيْٓ اَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلٰى وَالِدَيَّ وَاَنْ اَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضٰىهُ وَاَصْلِحْ لِيْ فِيْ ذُرِّيَّتِيْۗ اِنِّيْ تُبْتُ اِلَيْكَ وَاِنِّيْ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ

    Wa waṣṣainal-insāna biwālidaihi iḥsānā(n), ḥamalathu ummuhū kurhaw wa waḍa‘athu kurhā(n), wa ḥamluhū wa fiṣāluhū ṡalāṡūna syahrā(n), ḥattā iżā balaga asyuddahū wa balaga arba‘īna sanah(tan), qāla rabbi auzi‘nī an asykura ni‘matakal-latī an‘amta ‘alayya wa ‘alā wālidayya wa an a‘mala ṣāliḥan tarḍāhu wa aṣliḥ lī fī żurriyyatī, innī tubtu ilaika wa innī minal-muslimīn(a).

    We have commanded people to honour their parents. Their mothers bore them in hardship and delivered them in hardship. Their ˹period of˺ bearing and weaning is thirty months. In time, when the child reaches their prime at the age of forty, they pray, “My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favours which You blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please You. And instil righteousness in my offspring. I truly repent to You, and I truly submit ˹to Your Will˺.”

  16. اُولٰۤىِٕكَ الَّذِيْنَ نَتَقَبَّلُ عَنْهُمْ اَحْسَنَ مَا عَمِلُوْا وَنَتَجَاوَزُ عَنْ سَيِّاٰتِهِمْ فِيْٓ اَصْحٰبِ الْجَنَّةِۗ وَعْدَ الصِّدْقِ الَّذِيْ كَانُوْا يُوْعَدُوْنَ

    Ulā'ikal-lażīna nataqabbalu ‘anhum aḥsana mā ‘amilū wa natajāwazu ‘an sayyi'atihim fī aṣḥābil-jannah(ti), wa‘daṣ-ṣidqil-lażī kānū yū‘adūn(a).

    It is from these ˹people˺ that We will accept the good they did, and overlook their misdeeds—along with the residents of Paradise, ˹in fulfilment of˺ the true promise they have been given.

  17. وَالَّذِيْ قَالَ لِوَالِدَيْهِ اُفٍّ لَّكُمَآ اَتَعِدَانِنِيْٓ اَنْ اُخْرَجَ وَقَدْ خَلَتِ الْقُرُوْنُ مِنْ قَبْلِيْۚ وَهُمَا يَسْتَغِيْثٰنِ اللّٰهَ وَيْلَكَ اٰمِنْ ۖاِنَّ وَعْدَ اللّٰهِ حَقٌّۚ فَيَقُوْلُ مَا هٰذَآ اِلَّآ اَسَاطِيْرُ الْاَوَّلِيْنَ

    Wal-lażī qāla liwālidaihi uffil lakumā ata‘idāninī an ukhraja wa qad khalatil qurūnu min qablī, wa humā yastagīṡānillāha wailaka āmin, inna wa‘dallāhi ḥaqq(un), fayaqūlu mā hāżā illā asāṭīrul-awwalīn(a).

    But some scold their parents, “Enough with you! Are you warning me that I will be brought forth ˹from the grave˺, while many generations had already perished before me ˹for good˺?” The parents cry to Allah for help, ˹and warn their child,˺ “Pity you. Have faith! Surely Allah’s promise is true.” But the deniers insist, “This is nothing but ancient fables.”

  18. اُولٰۤىِٕكَ الَّذِيْنَ حَقَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقَوْلُ فِيْٓ اُمَمٍ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْاِنْسِ ۗاِنَّهُمْ كَانُوْا خٰسِرِيْنَ

    Ulā'ikal-lażīna ḥaqqa ‘alaihimul-qaulu fī umamin qad khalat min qablihim minal-jinni wal-ins(i), innahum kānū khāsirīn(a).

    These are the ones against whom the fate of earlier communities of jinn and humans has been justified, ˹for˺ they were truly losers.

  19. وَلِكُلٍّ دَرَجٰتٌ مِّمَّا عَمِلُوْاۚ وَلِيُوَفِّيَهُمْ اَعْمَالَهُمْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُوْنَ

    Wa likullin darajātum mimmā ‘amilū, wa liyuwaffiyahum a‘mālahum wa hum lā yuẓlamūn(a).

    Each ˹of the two groups˺ will be ranked according to what they have done so He may fully reward all. And none will be wronged.

  20. وَيَوْمَ يُعْرَضُ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا عَلَى النَّارِۗ اَذْهَبْتُمْ طَيِّبٰتِكُمْ فِيْ حَيَاتِكُمُ الدُّنْيَا وَاسْتَمْتَعْتُمْ بِهَاۚ فَالْيَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ عَذَابَ الْهُوْنِ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَكْبِرُوْنَ فِى الْاَرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَبِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَفْسُقُوْنَ ࣖ

    Wa yauma yu‘raḍul-lażīna kafarū ‘alan-nār(i), ażhabtum ṭayyibātikum fī ḥayātikumud-dun-yā wastamta‘tum bihā, fal-yauma tujzauna ‘ażābal-hūni bimā kuntum tastakbirūna fil-arḍi bigairil-ḥaqqi wa bimā kuntum tafsuqūn(a).

    ˹Watch for˺ the Day ˹when˺ the disbelievers will be exposed to the Fire. ˹They will be told,˺ “You ˹already˺ exhausted your ˹share of˺ pleasures during your worldly life, and ˹fully˺ enjoyed them. So Today you will be rewarded with the torment of disgrace for your arrogance throughout the land with no right, and for your rebelliousness.”

  21. ۞ وَاذْكُرْ اَخَا عَادٍۗ اِذْ اَنْذَرَ قَوْمَهٗ بِالْاَحْقَافِ وَقَدْ خَلَتِ النُّذُرُ مِنْۢ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهٖٓ اَلَّا تَعْبُدُوْٓا اِلَّا اللّٰهَ ۗاِنِّيْٓ اَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيْمٍ

    Ważkur akhā ‘ād(in), iż anżara qaumahū bil-aḥqāfi wa qad khalatin-nużuru mim baini yadaihi wa min khalfihī allā ta‘budū illallāh(a), innī akhāfu ‘alaikum ‘ażāba yaumin ‘aẓīm(in).

    And remember the brother of ’Ȃd, when he warned his people, who inhabited the sand-hills—there were certainly warners before and after him—˹saying,˺ “Worship none but Allah. I truly fear for you the torment of a tremendous day.”

  22. قَالُوْٓا اَجِئْتَنَا لِتَأْفِكَنَا عَنْ اٰلِهَتِنَاۚ فَأْتِنَا بِمَا تَعِدُنَآ اِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الصّٰدِقِيْنَ

    Qālū aji'tanā lita'fikanā ‘an ālihatinā fa'tinā bimā ta‘idunā in kunta minaṣ-ṣādiqīn(a).

    They argued, “Have you come to turn us away from our gods? Bring us then whatever you threaten us with, if what you say is true.”

  23. قَالَ اِنَّمَا الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ ۖوَاُبَلِّغُكُمْ مَّآ اُرْسِلْتُ بِهٖ وَلٰكِنِّيْٓ اَرٰىكُمْ قَوْمًا تَجْهَلُوْنَ

    Qāla innamal ‘ilmu ‘indallāh(i), wa uballigukum mā ursiltu bihī wa lākinnī arākum qauman tajhalūn(a).

    He responded, “The knowledge ˹of its time˺ is only with Allah. I only convey to you what I have been sent with. But I can see that you are a people acting ignorantly.”

  24. فَلَمَّا رَاَوْهُ عَارِضًا مُّسْتَقْبِلَ اَوْدِيَتِهِمْ قَالُوْا هٰذَا عَارِضٌ مُّمْطِرُنَا ۗبَلْ هُوَ مَا اسْتَعْجَلْتُمْ بِهٖ ۗرِيْحٌ فِيْهَا عَذَابٌ اَلِيْمٌۙ

    Falammā ra'auhu ‘āriḍam mustaqbila audiyatihim, qālū hāżā ‘āriḍum mumṭirunā, bal huwa masta‘jaltum bih(ī), rīḥun fīhā ‘ażābun alīm(un).

    Then when they saw the torment as a ˹dense˺ cloud approaching their valleys, they said ˹happily˺, “This is a cloud bringing us rain.” ˹But Hûd replied,˺ “No, it is what you sought to hasten: a ˹fierce˺ wind carrying a painful punishment!”

  25. تُدَمِّرُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍۢ بِاَمْرِ رَبِّهَا فَاَصْبَحُوْا لَا يُرٰىٓ اِلَّا مَسٰكِنُهُمْۗ كَذٰلِكَ نَجْزِى الْقَوْمَ الْمُجْرِمِيْنَ

    Tudammiru kulla syai'im bi'amri rabbihā fa'aṣbaḥū lā yurā illā masākinuhum, każālika najzil-qaumal-mujrimīn(a).

    It destroyed everything by the command of its Lord, leaving nothing visible except their ruins. This is how We reward the wicked people.

  26. وَلَقَدْ مَكَّنّٰهُمْ فِيْمَآ اِنْ مَّكَّنّٰكُمْ فِيْهِ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ سَمْعًا وَّاَبْصَارًا وَّاَفْـِٕدَةًۖ فَمَآ اَغْنٰى عَنْهُمْ سَمْعُهُمْ وَلَآ اَبْصَارُهُمْ وَلَآ اَفْـِٕدَتُهُمْ مِّنْ شَيْءٍ اِذْ كَانُوْا يَجْحَدُوْنَ بِاٰيٰتِ اللّٰهِ وَحَاقَ بِهِمْ مَّا كَانُوْا بِهٖ يَسْتَهْزِءُوْنَ ࣖ

    Wa laqad makkannāhum fīmā im makkannākum fīhi wa ja‘alnā lahum sam‘aw wa abṣāraw wa af'idah(tan), famā agnā ‘anhum sam‘uhum wa lā abṣāruhum wa lā af'idatuhum min syai'in iż kānū yajḥadūna bi'āyātillāhi wa ḥāqa bihim mā kānū bihī yastahzi'ūn(a).

    Indeed, We had established them in a way We have not established you ˹Meccans˺. And We gave them hearing, sight, and intellect. But neither their hearing, sight, nor intellect were of any benefit to them whatsoever, since they persisted in denying Allah’s signs. And ˹so˺ they were overwhelmed by what they used to ridicule.

  27. وَلَقَدْ اَهْلَكْنَا مَا حَوْلَكُمْ مِّنَ الْقُرٰى وَصَرَّفْنَا الْاٰيٰتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُوْنَ

    Wa laqad ahlaknā mā ḥaulakum minal-qurā wa ṣarrafnal-āyāti la‘allahum yarji‘ūn(a).

    We certainly destroyed the societies around you after having varied the signs so perhaps they would return ˹to the Right Path˺.

  28. فَلَوْلَا نَصَرَهُمُ الَّذِيْنَ اتَّخَذُوْا مِنْ دُوْنِ اللّٰهِ قُرْبَانًا اٰلِهَةً ۗبَلْ ضَلُّوْا عَنْهُمْۚ وَذٰلِكَ اِفْكُهُمْ وَمَا كَانُوْا يَفْتَرُوْنَ

    Falau lā naṣarahumul-lażīnattakhażū min dūnillāhi qurbānan ālihah(tan), bal ḍallū ‘anhum, wa żālika ifkuhum wa mā kānū yaftarūn(a).

    Why then did those ˹idols˺ they took as gods—hoping to get closer ˹to Him˺—not come to their aid? Instead, they failed them. That is ˹the result of˺ their lies and their fabrications.

  29. وَاِذْ صَرَفْنَآ اِلَيْكَ نَفَرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ يَسْتَمِعُوْنَ الْقُرْاٰنَۚ فَلَمَّا حَضَرُوْهُ قَالُوْٓا اَنْصِتُوْاۚ فَلَمَّا قُضِيَ وَلَّوْا اِلٰى قَوْمِهِمْ مُّنْذِرِيْنَ

    Wa iż ṣarafnā ilaika nafaram minal-jinni yastami‘ūnal-qur'ān(a), falammā ḥaḍarūhu qālū anṣitū, falammā quḍiya wallau ilā qaumihim munżirīn(a).

    ˹Remember, O Prophet,˺ when We sent a group of jinn your way to listen to the Quran. Then, upon hearing it, they said ˹to one another˺, “Listen quietly!” Then when it was over, they returned to their fellow jinn as warners.

  30. قَالُوْا يٰقَوْمَنَآ اِنَّا سَمِعْنَا كِتٰبًا اُنْزِلَ مِنْۢ بَعْدِ مُوْسٰى مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ يَهْدِيْٓ اِلَى الْحَقِّ وَاِلٰى طَرِيْقٍ مُّسْتَقِيْمٍ

    Qālū yā qaumanā innā sami‘nā kitāban unzila mim ba‘di mūsā muṣaddiqal limā baina yadaihi yahdī ilal-ḥaqqi wa ilā ṭarīqim mustaqīm(in).

    They declared, “O our fellow jinn! We have truly heard a scripture revealed after Moses, confirming what came before it. It guides to the truth and the Straight Way.

  31. يٰقَوْمَنَآ اَجِيْبُوْا دَاعِيَ اللّٰهِ وَاٰمِنُوْا بِهٖ يَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ مِّنْ ذُنُوْبِكُمْ وَيُجِرْكُمْ مِّنْ عَذَابٍ اَلِيْمٍ

    Yā qaumanā ajībū dā‘iyallāhi wa āminū bihī yagfir lakum min żunūbikum wa yujirkum min ‘ażābin alīm(in).

    O our fellow jinn! Respond to the caller of Allah and believe in him, He will forgive your sins and protect you from a painful punishment.

  32. وَمَنْ لَّا يُجِبْ دَاعِيَ اللّٰهِ فَلَيْسَ بِمُعْجِزٍ فِى الْاَرْضِ وَلَيْسَ لَهٗ مِنْ دُوْنِهٖٓ اَوْلِيَاۤءُ ۗ اُولٰۤىِٕكَ فِيْ ضَلٰلٍ مُّبِيْنٍ

    Wa mal lā yujib dā‘iyallāhi falaisa bimu‘jizin fil-arḍi wa laisa lahū min dūnihī auliyā'(u), ulā'ika fī ḍalālim mubīn(in).

    And whoever does not respond to the caller of Allah will have no escape on earth, nor will they have any protectors against Him. It is they who are clearly astray.”

  33. اَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا اَنَّ اللّٰهَ الَّذِيْ خَلَقَ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضَ وَلَمْ يَعْيَ بِخَلْقِهِنَّ بِقٰدِرٍ عَلٰٓى اَنْ يُّحْيِ َۧ الْمَوْتٰى ۗبَلٰٓى اِنَّهٗ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ

    Awalam yarau annallāhal-lażī khalaqas-samāwāti wal-arḍa wa lam ya‘ya bikhalqihinna biqādirin ‘alā ay yuḥyiyal-mautā, balā innahū ‘alā kulli syai'in qadīr(un).

    Do they not realize that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and did not tire in creating them, is able to give life to the dead? Yes ˹indeed˺! He is certainly Most Capable of everything.

  34. وَيَوْمَ يُعْرَضُ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا عَلَى النَّارِۗ اَلَيْسَ هٰذَا بِالْحَقِّ ۗ قَالُوْا بَلٰى وَرَبِّنَا ۗقَالَ فَذُوْقُوا الْعَذَابَ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَكْفُرُوْنَ

    Wa yauma yu‘raḍul-lażīna kafarū ‘alan-nār(i), alaisa hāżā bil-ḥaqq(i), qālū balā wa rabbinā, qāla fażūqul-‘ażāba bimā kuntum takfurūn(a).

    And on the Day the disbelievers will be exposed to the Fire, ˹they will be asked,˺ “Is this ˹Hereafter˺ not the truth?” They will cry, “Absolutely, by our Lord!” It will be said, “Then taste the punishment for your disbelief.”

  35. فَاصْبِرْ كَمَا صَبَرَ اُولُوا الْعَزْمِ مِنَ الرُّسُلِ وَلَا تَسْتَعْجِلْ لَّهُمْ ۗ كَاَنَّهُمْ يَوْمَ يَرَوْنَ مَا يُوْعَدُوْنَۙ لَمْ يَلْبَثُوْٓا اِلَّا سَاعَةً مِّنْ نَّهَارٍ ۗ بَلٰغٌ ۚفَهَلْ يُهْلَكُ اِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْفٰسِقُوْنَ ࣖ

    Faṣbir kamā ṣabara ulul-‘azmi minar-rusuli wa lā tasta‘jil lahum, ka'annahum yauma yarauna mā yū‘adūn(a), lam yalbaṡū illā sā‘atam min nahār(in), balāg(un), fahal yuhlaku illal-qaumul-fāsiqūn(a).

    So endure patiently, as did the Messengers of Firm Resolve. And do not ˹seek to˺ hasten ˹the torment˺ for the deniers. On the Day they see what they have been threatened with, it will be as if they had only stayed ˹in this world˺ for an hour of a day. ˹This is˺ a ˹sufficient˺ warning! Then, will anyone be destroyed except the rebellious people?

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