
Surah An Najm

Translation by:
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

  1. وَالنَّجْمِ اِذَا هَوٰىۙ

    Wan-najmi iżā hawā.

    By the stars when they fade away!

  2. مَا ضَلَّ صَاحِبُكُمْ وَمَا غَوٰىۚ

    Mā ḍalla ṣāḥibukum wa mā gawā.

    Your fellow man is neither misguided nor astray.

  3. وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوٰى

    Wa mā yanṭiqu ‘anil-hawā.

    Nor does he speak of his own whims.

  4. اِنْ هُوَ اِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُّوْحٰىۙ

    In huwa illā waḥyuy yūḥā.

    It is only a revelation sent down ˹to him˺.

  5. عَلَّمَهٗ شَدِيْدُ الْقُوٰىۙ

    ‘Allamahū syadīdul-quwā.

    He has been taught by one ˹angel˺ of mighty power

  6. ذُوْ مِرَّةٍۗ فَاسْتَوٰىۙ

    Żū mirrah(tin), fastawā.

    and great perfection, who once rose to ˹his˺ true form

  7. وَهُوَ بِالْاُفُقِ الْاَعْلٰىۗ

    Wa huwa bil-ufuqil-a‘lā.

    while on the highest point above the horizon,

  8. ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلّٰىۙ

    Ṡumma danā fa tadallā.

    then he approached ˹the Prophet˺, coming so close

  9. فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ اَوْ اَدْنٰىۚ

    Fa kāna qāba qausaini au adnā.

    that he was only two arms-lengths away or even less.

  10. فَاَوْحٰىٓ اِلٰى عَبْدِهٖ مَآ اَوْحٰىۗ

    Fa auḥā ilā ‘abdihī mā auḥā.

    Then Allah revealed to His servant what He revealed ˹through Gabriel˺.

  11. مَا كَذَبَ الْفُؤَادُ مَا رَاٰى

    Mā każabal-fu'ādu mā ra'ā.

    The ˹Prophet’s˺ heart did not doubt what he saw.

  12. اَفَتُمٰرُوْنَهٗ عَلٰى مَا يَرٰى

    Afa tumārūnahū ‘alā mā yarā.

    How can you ˹O pagans˺ then dispute with him regarding what he saw?

  13. وَلَقَدْ رَاٰهُ نَزْلَةً اُخْرٰىۙ

    Wa laqad ra'āhu nazlatan ukhrā.

    And he certainly saw that ˹angel descend˺ a second time

  14. عِنْدَ سِدْرَةِ الْمُنْتَهٰى

    ‘Inda sidratil-muntahā.

    at the Lote Tree of the most extreme limit ˹in the seventh heaven˺—

  15. عِنْدَهَا جَنَّةُ الْمَأْوٰىۗ

    ‘Indahā jannatul-ma'wā.

    near which is the Garden of ˹Eternal˺ Residence—

  16. اِذْ يَغْشَى السِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشٰىۙ

    Iż yagsyas-sidrata mā yagsyā.

    while the Lote Tree was overwhelmed with ˹heavenly˺ splendours!

  17. مَا زَاغَ الْبَصَرُ وَمَا طَغٰى

    Mā zāgal-baṣaru wa mā ṭagā.

    The ˹Prophet’s˺ sight never wandered, nor did it overreach.

  18. لَقَدْ رَاٰى مِنْ اٰيٰتِ رَبِّهِ الْكُبْرٰى

    Laqad ra'ā min āyāti rabbihil-kubrā.

    He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs.

  19. اَفَرَءَيْتُمُ اللّٰتَ وَالْعُزّٰى

    Afa ra'aitumul-lāta wal-‘uzzā.

    Now, have you considered ˹the idols of˺ Lât and ’Uzza,

  20. وَمَنٰوةَ الثَّالِثَةَ الْاُخْرٰى

    Wa manātaṡ-ṡāliṡatal-ukhrā.

    and the third one, Manât, as well?

  21. اَلَكُمُ الذَّكَرُ وَلَهُ الْاُنْثٰى

    Alakumuż-żakaru wa lahul-unṡā.

    Do you ˹prefer to˺ have sons while ˹you attribute˺ to Him daughters?

  22. تِلْكَ اِذًا قِسْمَةٌ ضِيْزٰى

    Tilka iżan qismatun ḍīzā.

    Then this is ˹truly˺ a biased distribution!

  23. اِنْ هِيَ اِلَّآ اَسْمَاۤءٌ سَمَّيْتُمُوْهَآ اَنْتُمْ وَاٰبَاۤؤُكُمْ مَّآ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ بِهَا مِنْ سُلْطٰنٍۗ اِنْ يَّتَّبِعُوْنَ اِلَّا الظَّنَّ وَمَا تَهْوَى الْاَنْفُسُۚ وَلَقَدْ جَاۤءَهُمْ مِّنْ رَّبِّهِمُ الْهُدٰىۗ

    In hiya illā asmā'un sammaitumūhā antum wa ābā'ukum mā anzalallāhu bihā min sulṭān(in), iy yattabi‘ūna illaẓ-ẓanna wa mā tahwal-anfus(u), wa laqad jā'ahum mir rabbihimul-hudā.

    These ˹idols˺ are mere names that you and your forefathers have made up—a practice Allah has never authorized. They follow nothing but ˹inherited˺ assumptions and whatever ˹their˺ souls desire, although ˹true˺ guidance has already come to them from their Lord.

  24. اَمْ لِلْاِنْسَانِ مَا تَمَنّٰىۖ

    Am lil-insāni mā tamannā.

    Or should every person ˹simply˺ have whatever ˹intercessors˺ they desire?

  25. فَلِلّٰهِ الْاٰخِرَةُ وَالْاُوْلٰى ࣖ

    Fa lillāhil-ākhiratu wal-ūlā.

    In fact, to Allah ˹alone˺ belongs this world and the next.

  26. ۞ وَكَمْ مِّنْ مَّلَكٍ فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ لَا تُغْنِيْ شَفَاعَتُهُمْ شَيْـًٔا اِلَّا مِنْۢ بَعْدِ اَنْ يَّأْذَنَ اللّٰهُ لِمَنْ يَّشَاۤءُ وَيَرْضٰى

    Wa kam mim malakin fis-samāwāti lā tugnī syafā‘atuhum syai'an illā mim ba‘di ay ya'żanallāhu limay yasyā'u wa yarḍā.

    ˹Imagine˺ how many ˹noble˺ angels are in the heavens! ˹Even˺ their intercession would be of no benefit whatsoever, until Allah gives permission to whoever He wills and ˹only for the people He˺ approves.

  27. اِنَّ الَّذِيْنَ لَا يُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِالْاٰخِرَةِ لَيُسَمُّوْنَ الْمَلٰۤىِٕكَةَ تَسْمِيَةَ الْاُنْثٰى

    Innal-lażīna lā yu'minūna bil-ākhirati layusammūnal-malā'ikata tasmiyatal-unṡā.

    Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter label angels as female,

  28. وَمَا لَهُمْ بِهٖ مِنْ عِلْمٍۗ اِنْ يَّتَّبِعُوْنَ اِلَّا الظَّنَّ وَاِنَّ الظَّنَّ لَا يُغْنِيْ مِنَ الْحَقِّ شَيْـًٔاۚ

    Wa mā lahum bihī min ‘ilm(in), iy yattabi‘ūna illaẓ-ẓann(a), wa innaẓ-ẓanna lā yugnī minal-ḥaqqi syai'ā(n).

    although they have no knowledge ˹in support˺ of this. They follow nothing but ˹inherited˺ assumptions. And surely assumptions can in no way replace the truth.

  29. فَاَعْرِضْ عَنْ مَّنْ تَوَلّٰىۙ عَنْ ذِكْرِنَا وَلَمْ يُرِدْ اِلَّا الْحَيٰوةَ الدُّنْيَاۗ

    Fa a‘riḍ ‘am man tawallā, ‘an żikrinā wa lam yurid illal-ḥayātad-dun-yā.

    So turn away ˹O Prophet˺ from whoever has shunned Our Reminder, only seeking the ˹fleeting˺ life of this world.

  30. ذٰلِكَ مَبْلَغُهُمْ مِّنَ الْعِلْمِۗ اِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِمَنْ ضَلَّ عَنْ سَبِيْلِهٖۙ وَهُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِمَنِ اهْتَدٰى

    Żālika mablaguhum minal-‘ilm(i), inna rabbaka huwa a‘lamu biman ḍalla ‘an sabīlih(ī), wa huwa a‘lamu bimanihtadā.

    This is the extent of their knowledge. Surely your Lord knows best who has strayed from His Way and who is ˹rightly˺ guided.

  31. وَلِلّٰهِ مَا فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ وَمَا فِى الْاَرْضِۗ لِيَجْزِيَ الَّذِيْنَ اَسَاۤءُوْا بِمَا عَمِلُوْا وَيَجْزِيَ الَّذِيْنَ اَحْسَنُوْا بِالْحُسْنٰىۚ

    Wa lillāhi mā fis-samāwāti wa mā fil-arḍ(i), liyajziyal-lażīna asā'ū bimā ‘amilū wa yajziyal-lażīna aḥsanū bil-ḥusnā.

    To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth so that He may reward the evildoers according to what they did, and reward the good-doers with the finest reward—

  32. اَلَّذِيْنَ يَجْتَنِبُوْنَ كَبٰۤىِٕرَ الْاِثْمِ وَالْفَوَاحِشَ اِلَّا اللَّمَمَۙ اِنَّ رَبَّكَ وَاسِعُ الْمَغْفِرَةِۗ هُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِكُمْ اِذْ اَنْشَاَكُمْ مِّنَ الْاَرْضِ وَاِذْ اَنْتُمْ اَجِنَّةٌ فِيْ بُطُوْنِ اُمَّهٰتِكُمْۗ فَلَا تُزَكُّوْٓا اَنْفُسَكُمْۗ هُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِمَنِ اتَّقٰى ࣖ

    Allażīna yajtanibūna kabā'iral-iṡmi wal-fawāḥisya illal-lamam(a), inna rabbaka wāsi‘ul-magfirah(ti), huwa a‘lamu bikum iż ansya'akum minal-arḍi wa iż antum ajinnatun fī buṭūni ummahātikum, falā tuzakkū anfusakum, huwa a‘lamu bimanittaqā.

    those who avoid major sins and shameful deeds, despite ˹stumbling on˺ minor sins. Surely your Lord is infinite in forgiveness. He knew well what would become of you as He created you from the earth and while you were ˹still˺ fetuses in the wombs of your mothers. So do not ˹falsely˺ elevate yourselves. He knows best who is ˹truly˺ righteous.

  33. اَفَرَءَيْتَ الَّذِيْ تَوَلّٰىۙ

    Afa ra'aital-lażī tawallā.

    Have you seen the one who turned away ˹from Islam,˺

  34. وَاَعْطٰى قَلِيْلًا وَّاَكْدٰى

    Wa a‘ṭā qalīlaw wa akdā.

    and ˹initially˺ paid a little ˹for his salvation˺, and then stopped?

  35. اَعِنْدَهٗ عِلْمُ الْغَيْبِ فَهُوَ يَرٰى

    A‘indahū ‘ilmul-gaibi fahuwa yarā.

    Does he have the knowledge of the unseen so that he sees ˹the Hereafter˺?

  36. اَمْ لَمْ يُنَبَّأْ بِمَا فِيْ صُحُفِ مُوْسٰى

    Am lam yunabba' bimā fī ṣuḥufi mūsā.

    Or has he not been informed of what is in the Scripture of Moses,

  37. وَاِبْرٰهِيْمَ الَّذِيْ وَفّٰىٓ ۙ

    Wa ibrāhīmal-lażī waffā.

    and ˹that of˺ Abraham, who ˹perfectly˺ fulfilled ˹his covenant˺?

  38. اَلَّا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِّزْرَ اُخْرٰىۙ

    Allā taziru wāziratuw wizra ukhrā.

    ˹They state˺ that no soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another,

  39. وَاَنْ لَّيْسَ لِلْاِنْسَانِ اِلَّا مَا سَعٰىۙ

    Wa al laisa lil-insāni illā mā sa‘ā.

    and that each person will only have what they endeavoured towards,

  40. وَاَنَّ سَعْيَهٗ سَوْفَ يُرٰىۖ

    Wa anna sa‘yahū saufa yurā.

    and that ˹the outcome of˺ their endeavours will be seen ˹in their record˺,

  41. ثُمَّ يُجْزٰىهُ الْجَزَاۤءَ الْاَوْفٰىۙ

    Ṡumma yujzāhul-jazā'al-aufā.

    then they will be fully rewarded,

  42. وَاَنَّ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ الْمُنْتَهٰىۙ

    Wa anna ilā rabbikal-muntahā.

    and that to your Lord ˹alone˺ is the ultimate return ˹of all things˺.

  43. وَاَنَّهٗ هُوَ اَضْحَكَ وَاَبْكٰى

    Wa annahū huwa aḍḥaka wa abkā.

    Moreover, He is the One Who brings about joy and sadness.

  44. وَاَنَّهٗ هُوَ اَمَاتَ وَاَحْيَاۙ

    Wa annahū huwa amāta wa aḥyā.

    And He is the One Who gives life and causes death.

  45. وَاَنَّهٗ خَلَقَ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْاُنْثٰىۙ

    Wa annahū khalaqaz-zaujainiż-żakara wal-unṡā.

    And He created the pairs—males and females—

  46. مِنْ نُّطْفَةٍ اِذَا تُمْنٰىۙ

    Min nuṭfatin iżā tumnā.

    from a sperm-drop when it is emitted.

  47. وَاَنَّ عَلَيْهِ النَّشْاَةَ الْاُخْرٰىۙ

    Wa anna ‘alaihin nasy'atal-ukhrā.

    And it is upon Him to bring about re-creation.

  48. وَاَنَّهٗ هُوَ اَغْنٰى وَاَقْنٰىۙ

    Wa annahū huwa agnā wa aqnā.

    And He is the One Who enriches and impoverishes.

  49. وَاَنَّهٗ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرٰىۙ

    Wa annahū huwa rabbusy-syi‘rā.

    And He alone is the Lord of Sirius.

  50. وَاَنَّهٗٓ اَهْلَكَ عَادًا ۨالْاُوْلٰىۙ

    Wa annahū ahlaka ‘ādanil-ūlā.

    And He destroyed the first ˹people of˺ ’Ȃd,

  51. وَثَمُوْدَا۟ فَمَآ اَبْقٰىۙ

    Wa ṡamūda famā abqā.

    and ˹then˺ Thamûd, sparing no one.

  52. وَقَوْمَ نُوْحٍ مِّنْ قَبْلُۗ اِنَّهُمْ كَانُوْا هُمْ اَظْلَمَ وَاَطْغٰىۗ

    Wa qauma nūḥim min qabl(u), innahum kānū hum aẓlama wa aṭgā.

    And before ˹that He destroyed˺ the people of Noah, who were truly far worse in wrongdoing and transgression.

  53. وَالْمُؤْتَفِكَةَ اَهْوٰىۙ

    Wal-mu'tafikata ahwā.

    And ˹it was˺ He ˹Who˺ turned the cities ˹of Sodom and Gomorrah˺ upside down.

  54. فَغَشّٰىهَا مَا غَشّٰىۚ

    Fa gasysyāhā mā gasysyā.

    How overwhelming was what covered ˹them˺!

  55. فَبِاَيِّ اٰلَاۤءِ رَبِّكَ تَتَمَارٰى

    Fa bi'ayyi ālā'i rabbika tatamārā.

    Now, which of your Lord’s favours will you dispute?

  56. هٰذَا نَذِيْرٌ مِّنَ النُّذُرِ الْاُوْلٰى

    Hāżā nażīrum minan-nużuril-ūlā.

    This ˹Prophet˺ is a warner like earlier ones.

  57. اَزِفَتِ الْاٰزِفَةُ ۚ


    The approaching ˹Hour˺ has drawn near.

  58. لَيْسَ لَهَا مِنْ دُوْنِ اللّٰهِ كَاشِفَةٌ ۗ

    Laisa lahā min dūnillāhi kāsyifah(tun).

    None but Allah can disclose it.

  59. اَفَمِنْ هٰذَا الْحَدِيْثِ تَعْجَبُوْنَۙ

    Afamin hāżal-ḥadīṡi ta‘jabūn(a).

    Do you find this revelation astonishing,

  60. وَتَضْحَكُوْنَ وَلَا تَبْكُوْنَۙ

    Wa taḍḥakūna wa lā tabkūn(a).

    laughing ˹at it˺ and not weeping ˹in awe˺,

  61. وَاَنْتُمْ سٰمِدُوْنَ

    Wa antum sāmidūn(a).

    while persisting in heedlessness?

  62. فَاسْجُدُوْا لِلّٰهِ وَاعْبُدُوْا ࣖ ۩

    Fasjudū lillāhi wa‘budū.

    Instead, prostrate to Allah and worship ˹Him alone˺!

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